- Do Canada's top paid executives really work hundreds of times harder than you do?
- Why does an MP deserve to be in the top 2% of earners in the country?
- If there are over 1,400,000 Canadians looking for work, why doesn't everyone just work 7.7% less hard? Couldn't you use an extra 3 hours of leisure a week?
You communist! ;)
Out of all of that I find it most intriguing that the CEO of Rogers is named Nadir. I know it's just a language thing, but still . . .
Communist? I was just posing some questions and presenting some data. I'm genuinely curious about different people's answers. I think for a lot of people the answers seem obvious at first blush, but turn out to be less so if you think about it more, or at least from a slightly different angle.
Alright then - Socialist!
For 1, I would guess that the highly paid executives are talented, but also command an inflated price due to forms of "name recognition" just like many products that are priced higher than an equivalent simply because they are a known name brand.
For 2, I don't know of any who do. Certainly not while the country is running a deficit.
For 3, Maybe, is difficult, Sweden is about to run into some hard times.
What do you mean, "LITTLE questions" ...?? !!!!
It's a good thing we soon won't have StatsCan data like that to think about, so we won't even think about questions like that!
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