Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Godot's Law

Waiting for porn about anything you can imagine Hitler doing will take twice as long as the simplest explanation, even after you've accounted for gravity.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

ein Traum

Als das Kind Kind war,war es die Zeit der folgenden Fragen:Warum bin ich ich und warum nicht du?Warum bin ich hier und warum nicht dort?Wann begann die Zeit und wo endet der Raum?Ist das Leben unter der Sonne nicht bloß ein Traum?
Wings of Desire (der Himmel über Berlin) 

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Law of Conservation of Market Congestion

The fewer the people at the market, the more awkward their choices of standing place and the more unpredictable their movements.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


This morning on my Twitter, the top 3 hashtag trends included a grammatical error (highlighted), a redundant phrase and (I suspect) racism (intentionally left out). Good work, Canada.

Monday, January 23, 2012


I know this TED talk is aimed at "youth," but I can think of some adults who might benefit from this message. And I'm sure the rest of us could use a reminder every now and then. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


In light of all the news about the apparent selfish douchebagery of the captain of the Costa Concordia, I would like to highlight this piece I read in the Star a few weeks back about a very different kind of reaction to a not-disimilar problem: The Case for Virtue.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Best Interest

The [Ford] brothers are encouraging Toronto residents to join in, and have challenged Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi to do the same. Because comparing our mayor to their mayor seems to be in Ford’s best interest.
-- Jess Davidson, TORONTOIST

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Every conversation I've ever had with a dry cleaner

Me: Hi, I'd like to get my [garment] dry cleaned.
Dry Cleaner: Okay, when do you want it back?
Me: Uh, when will it be done?
DC: What's today? [Monday]? [Wednesday].
Me: Okay, then I want it back on [Wednesday].

Why do they even ask?